
About macOS Server 5.7.1 and later

As of April 21, 2022, Apple has discontinued macOS Server. Existing macOS Server customers can continue to download and use the app with macOS Monterey.

Apple OS X Server for Mac Download

Designed for OS X and iOS devices, OS X Server makes it easy to share files, schedule meetings, synchronize contacts, develop software, host your own website ...

How do I run a local web server on a Mac?

2021年11月16日 — The best thing about Mac is that it comes loaded with Apache services. · In Finder · Go to “Applications -> Utilities,” then double-click on ...

Mac OS X Personal Web Sharing

Your website here. You can use Mac OS X Personal Web Sharing to publish web pages or share files on the Internet — or on your company's or school's local ...

Mac OS X Server

Mac OS X Server is a series of discontinued Unix-like server operating systems developed by Apple Inc. based on macOS. It provided server functionality and ...

macOS Server

Mac OS X Server 1.0 (Rhapsody) · Mac OS X Server 10.0 (Cheetah Server) · Mac OS X Server 10.1 (Puma Server) · Mac OS X Server 10.2 (Jaguar Server).

My new macOS server marks the end of Mac OS X Server

2023年6月28日 — My new macOS server marks the end of Mac OS X Server ... Server to a single standalone app that configured stuff like file and web servers.

Setting up a local web server on a Mac

2023年9月28日 — Try doing both of those first. However, if, like me, you still can't get the local host site to load, try the following: You should find a file ...

Step by Step Installation on a Mac OS X Server

This guide shows all steps for the installation of Moodle on a Mac OS X Server. This server is a commercial product. You will find all documentations about the ...


AsofApril21,2022,ApplehasdiscontinuedmacOSServer.ExistingmacOSServercustomerscancontinuetodownloadandusetheappwithmacOSMonterey.,DesignedforOSXandiOSdevices,OSXServermakesiteasytosharefiles,schedulemeetings,synchronizecontacts,developsoftware,hostyourownwebsite ...,2021年11月16日—ThebestthingaboutMacisthatitcomesloadedwithApacheservices.·InFinder·Goto“Applications->Utilities,”thendouble-cli...


